In Search of the Fiction Fairy

award-wining author Mia Zachary's online diary where she ponders the meaning of life, strives to improve her craft and generally mouths off

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Sorry I haven't been around- my Internet connection has been acting up and I've been going through email withdrawal!

The mailman dropped off a box of books this afternoon, all the way from Sydney! So, I have 18 copies of the Australian edition of my last Blaze, AFTERNOON DELIGHT to give away.

If you'd like one, all you have to do is answer a question. I'm in the mood to boost my self-confidence and that of the people around me. So in the comments, tell me something good/ positive about your writing or about yourself as a writer (if you're a reader just anything you're proud of accomplishing or creating).

Next Tuesday, Oct 17, I'll choose winners at random from the comment posts, but in the meantime, let's get a conversation going: I'm really good at creating realistic dialogue in my stories and I'm proud of a recent wip that was in a new-to-me genre. What about you?


At 12:14 PM, Blogger May said...

I think my work is very clean from a grammar/spelling perspective--I really only have say, half a dozen errors over, say 10k words, and I catch them before I send it to anybody to read. I think that and voice are my strengths.

Though with regards to pieces of writing, I think what I'm most proud of is that I have managed to plot out my NaNoWriMo WIP. I'm a pantzer who wants to become a plotter you see. LOL!

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Richelle Mead said...

I like that I'm a speedy writer. I can churn out 100k words in under 6 weeks. Admittedly, I then spend weeks editing it, but that first draft is always a rush.

I also really love my voice & dialogue. I try really hard to make them fresh and realistic and think I succeed pretty well.

Wow, that was kind of an ego fest for me. :)

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Maureen said...

I'm not a writer but reader. My husband and I read quite a bit and read to our children all the time when they were younger. Then the teenage years hit and reading became a school chore but I am so happy that my daughter is voluntarily reading now.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger J said...

Another reader here. I returned a lost cellphone to its owner today and I really feel good about that.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am proud to be teaching my daughter to read along with her wonderful teacher. I want my children to grow up having that same joy of reading that I do.


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