In Search of the Fiction Fairy

award-wining author Mia Zachary's online diary where she ponders the meaning of life, strives to improve her craft and generally mouths off

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Open & Shut

Thanks to Paperback Writer for the idea to opening lines. I'm also going to take the initiative and add closing lines for the same book because I read somewhere that you sell the current book with the opening line and the closing line sells the next book.

"What will it be like to have a physical encounter with a stranger?"
"He closed the journal with a grin. Yeah. Reality beat fantasy every time."

"You're all I think about, all that I dream of. I can't wait to get my hands on you."
"Emelio gazed at his inspiration, his friend, his future wife, and smiled."

9 1/2 DAYS
"'I want you, right here and right now!' You may never have said those words... but you must want to."
"She smiled, even as her eyes filled again, and Danny smiled back. Jordan took his hand and walked with him toward the chapel."

"If you don't already have plans with Darren tonight, do you want to get together?"
"She snuggled against Chris's side when he kissed her cheek. 'Yes, absolutely. I finally found the love of my life."

So what do you think? Having never analyzed this before- and it's too late now since the books have been published!- do my closings have the same tone and impact as the opening? I think the first two do, and they even fit in context. But the last two... not so much. I felt I had to include an extra line so it made some sense. I'll have to keep this in mind for future WIPs.

Feel free to comment and to add your own examples.


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